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Women’s Health Camp at 10 Villages – World Menstrual Hygiene Day

A large part of our CSR initiatives is dedicated towards development, education and awareness regarding Women’s health and sexual reproductive health.

On the 30th and 31st of May, our CSR team hosted a two-day Women’s health and menstrual hygiene awareness camp in association with the District Health Department and Mamta NGO to celebrate World Menstrual Hygiene Day.

We engaged a team of gynaecologists and general physicians for health check-ups and reached out to over 450-woman beneficiaries of all ages providing free sanitary pads and medication across 10 villages. To symbolize our collective commitment to breaking taboos and fostering open dialogue, every attendee proudly wore a red circle drawn on their hand.

At Evonith, by promoting greater education and awareness, we aspire to build a more progressive and equal society for all.