Building Sustainable Foundations.
Building Value Beyond Profit.

At Evonith Steel, we recognize that sustainable business practices are a key driver of value for investors, customers and the planet.

Our steadfast commitment to Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles positions us at the forefront of responsible corporate citizenship.

We’ve conducted an assessment and developed the ESG strategy framework for the Company, followed by the publication of this inaugural Sustainability Report.

From addressing non-financial risks to prioritizing workplace conditions and individual well-being, our ESG strategy not only instils investor confidence and fosters customer loyalty but also unlocks cost efficiencies, improves asset management, and enhances financial performance.

66,639 tonnes

Natural resources saved

5.46 million m³

of freshwater consumed

4,17,901 metric tonnes

Non-Hazardous waste reused

Message from the Chairman

“At the core of Evonith Steel’s ethos are our clearly defined values: Here for All – Here for People, Here for Impact, Here for Excellence.”

Jai Saraf

Chairman, Evonith Steel

Message from the Director

“We are united as a team, valuing every individual and investing significantly in their well-being, and the creation of a safe, healthy working environment.”

Anil Bangur

Director, Evonith Steel

Our Activities

Nurturing Communities
with Purpose

At Evonith Steel, our CSR commitment, led by Chairman Jai Saraf, goes beyond steel production, emphasizing positive impacts on the environment, society, and governance. This transformative journey underscores our pursuit of industry excellence and meaningful change.

The Wall of Commitment - Our D&I Journey

At Evonith Steel, “Respect for all” is one of our core values, which encompasses “Diversity and Inclusion” (D&I) at the workplace. Our commitment to D&I includes gender, age, culture, and ensures a supportive and inclusive work environment.

Promoting Biodiversity at
Evonith Steel City, Wardha

At Evonith Steel, our dedication to a greener future starts with nurturing over 15,000 plants at our nursery in the heart of Evonith Steel City, Wardha. The diverse collection includes Rosa Indica, Bougainvillea, Thevetia, Hibiscus, Allamanda, and Mogra, showcasing nature's wonders.

Commitment to a conserve
natural resources

In the dynamic industrial landscape, Evonith Steel aims to be a modern steel producer and a pioneer in sustainable waste management. Our commitment goes beyond regulatory standards, marking a cultural shift with waste accountability at our core.


Greening the Future
Beyond Compliance.
Evonith Steel's Pledge to
Environmental Stewardship.


Environmentally Responsible Manufacturing:
Evonith Steel is committed to forging a greener future by acknowledging the environmental impact of its manufacturing process, which relies entirely on various natural resources.


Sustainability Practices and Technological Integration:
Evonith Steel has proactively embraced sustainability practices, involving operational changes and the integration of new technologies. This includes the establishment of an energy management system and an environmental strategy with target-setting roadmaps.


Decarbonization Commitment:
Evonith Steel is dedicated to reducing emissions, efficiently managing water resources, and minimizing waste generation as part of its focus on sustainability. The company has well-defined targets on the path toward decarbonization, demonstrating its firm commitment to achieving global climate change goals in alignment with industry standards.

1.47 million tCO₂e

Scope 1 & 2 emissions

2.69 tCO₂e/tcs

GHG Emission Intensity

13,768 TJ

Total Energy Usage

4,17,901 metric tonnes

of Non-Hazardous waste reused

5.46 million m³

of freshwater consumed

4,17,901 metric tonnes

of Non-Hazardous waste reused

5.46 million m³

of freshwater consumed

Detailed Statistics

GHG emissions Unit FY21 FY22 FY23
Scope 1 million tonnes CO2e 1.05 1.35 1.27
Scope 2 million tonnes CO2e 0.23 0.34 0.20
Total absolute emissions (Scope 1+2) million tonnes CO2e 1.28 1.69 1.47
Emissions intensity metric tonnes CO2/total crude steel 2.79 2.44 2.69
Crude steel production metric tonnes 459,128 693,405 547,477
During the reporting period 2022-23, Scope 1, Scope 2 emissions are decreased by 13% and 40% reduction in purchased electricity.
Water consumption Unit FY21 FY22 FY23
Fresh water consumption million kilo litre 5.81 6.65 5.46
Crude steel production metric tonnes 459,128 693,405 547,477
Water consumption reduced by 18% during the reporting period 2022-23.
Energy consumption Unit FY21 FY22 FY23
Absolute energy consumption million giga Joules (GJ) 11.81 15.41 13.76
Specific energy consumption GJ/metric tonnes of crude steel produced 25.73 22.22 25.15
Crude steel production metric tonnes 459,128 693,405 547,477
Natural resources saved Unit FY21 FY22 FY23
Gas cleaning plant dust reused metric tonnes 20,509.00 13,563.00 6,195.00
Scrap iron recycled metric tonnes 22,915.00 108,238.00 60,444.00
Total metric tonnes 43,424.00 121,801.00 66,639.00


People-Powered Prosperity
Fostering Well-being.
Evonith Steel's commitment
to Social Responsibility.


Collaborative and Inclusive Culture:
Evonith Steel fosters trust and collaboration, aspiring to create a socially inclusive environment rooted in sustainability.


Diversity and CSR Commitment:
Evonith Steel champions diversity through a Diversity Council and policy, aligning its transformative journey with industry standards and social responsibility.


Holistic Social Impact:
Evonith Steel is dedicated to optimizing human capital, ensuring customer satisfaction, and upholding human rights, showcasing a commitment to community upliftment through sustainable business practices.


Fatalities in FY'23


Hours invested in
employee training


Cases handled by Mobile Medical
Unit as part of CSR

~10,000 T

Of Slag distributed to 5 neighbouring
villages for road making

1.29 crores

Community investments
by Evonith


Total workforce


LTIFR (Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate)
(Permanent employees)


(Permanent employees)

Detailed Statistics

Parameters 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
LTIFR (permanent) 4.01 2.17 1.03
LTIFR (contractual) 3.16 1.14 1.44
Total workforce 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Permanent 1,328 1,370 1,321


Leading with Integrity.
Evonith Steel's
Governance Paradigm.


Integrated Corporate Governance:
Evonith Steel integrates ESG objectives into its governance system, impacting decision-making, ownership, and internal controls for ethical and sustainable practices.


Comprehensive Policy Framework:
Covering board diversity, reporting mechanisms, labor practices, and environmental standards, Evonith Steel’s policies underscore a commitment to ethical, compliant, and socially responsible business practices.


Foundation for Responsible Growth:
Evonith Steel’s policies establish a foundation for sustainable growth, reflecting dedication to responsible corporate citizenship and ensuring connectivity across critical governance elements.


Board Members


Board Committees


Board's Gender Diversity

We've conducted an assessment and developed the ESG strategy framework for the Company. Having embarked on this journey, we have published this inaugural Sustainability Report. We wish to assure the readers that the information detailed is accurate, reliable and covers all the topics of material importance to the organization's stakeholders.

Reference standard:
This report has been developed in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (2021) Standards for the period between 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023.

Data compilation methodology:
The data published in our sustainability report has been collected through various internal reporting systems. We employ comprehensive data management system for collecting, analyzing, and managing data for our sustainability report. We have undertaken a comprehensive materiality assessment through dialogues with relevant stakeholder groups with the aim of identifying key sustainability issues perceived by the stakeholders. Standard calculation methodologies for estimation and quantification of data have been used. Our direct and indirect emissions and energy consumption are calculated using the emissions and energy factors published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Central Electricity Authority (CEA).

For further information:

Corporate Office, Balarama Building, Bandra Kurla Complex Road, E Block, Bandra East, Mumbai 400 051.
Email :