Infrastructure projects

Our team has accomplished several feats in various villages around the area. We repaired toilets at Zilla Parishad school in Inzhapur while also giving the compound wall in Chitoda a fresh coat of paint. But that’s not all – we built water filters in both Bhugaon and Selukate, and we’re completing a bridge by the end of the month. We even managed to provide numerous trucks of slag to villages to help with construction projects. We didn’t forget about education – we were thrilled to provide desks and benches to the school in Selukate. But our work is far from done, as we’re currently in the process of constructing boundary walls and toilets for village schools. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to make a difference in these communities.

BAIF Rural Livelihood Program

We launched a Rural Livelihood Program in July 2022 for 5 villages near the Wardha Steel Complex. Our focus is on empowering women farmers over the next 3 years. We introduced climate-smart agriculture practices, like double cropping and drip irrigation, to boost yields. We also taught dairy farming techniques, like Sorted Semen Artificial Insemination and green fodder cultivation, to create an additional source of income. Moreover, small-scale enterprises, such as Vermicompost and soap making, were established through existing Women Self Help Groups. We spread awareness about the project through Gram Sabhas and formed Village Development Committees to select direct beneficiaries.

And to be frank, we’re not just boosting milk production, we’re taking agricultural techniques to the next level! With artificial insemination for families’ cattle and cost-efficient practices for local communities, we’re revolutionizing rural livelihoods. And it doesn’t stop there. We’ve provided a few hundred beneficiaries with everything from drip irrigation to biogas plants and even introduced new-age farming practices to numerous demo plots. We’re not just creating opportunities, we’re empowering individuals through independent business ventures like vermicomposting and spices in Selukate. And the best part? Our objective is to keep track of the income improvement that comes from these activities over the last year. We’re changing lives and building a brighter future – that’s what we call progress.